martes, 22 de abril de 2008

My First car XD

Hey I have good News!!!
My mom and I plan to buy a car next year, so we have to save money and pay any debt we had. But I was thinking about what kind of car I’d like to have. Of course I love trucks like Silverado or tracker, but my mom says that we don’t have enough money for those cars, so I need to find a smaller car, the problem is I don’t like models like atos or tsuru, even chevy, and because of that I started my guest in the internet. There I’ve read about some models that seem fit my needs, like Verna bye doge it has good standards of safety, it is really economic, and there’s a new sedan version that makes it pretty cute. Another one is the Ford Fiesta it has lots of advantages including what I’ve mentioned about Verna.
But now, where am I going to buy it? , I don’t trust in used cars but there are some agencies that has certificated used cars and it sounds fine for me, but I prefer a new one.
Whatever! If you have any suggest for me, I appreciate it.

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